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The EBP Society Blog

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Supplemental tables of data on violent incidents by total population, victim, and offender demographic characteristic...
Supplemental tables of data on law enforcement officers assaulted or killed Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assa...
President Trump took his first policy-oriented steps to address the national outcry for police reform on Tuesday, sig...
Move To Reduce Restrictions on COVID-19 Loans for People with Records Federal officials on Friday agreed to ease res...
Enhanced Provider Relief Fund Payment Portal Providers eligible for additional allocations must provide HHS with inf...
Just released: PREA Data-Collection Activities, 2020 This report, the tenth in a series that began in 2011, describes...
This issue of EBP Quarterly features 3 in-depth articles, and an insightful book review. Enjoy... Transition Pla...
Bet you didn't know evidence-based online courses come with your EBP Society membership. Its the #1 platform for Ev...
One truth of the Coronavirus that is obvious to individuals and agencies, and at the same time not is what I will cal...
I want to encourage you and maybe help get the bounce back in your step - because in my humble opinion, all this medi...