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18th Annual Fall "Evidence-Based (EB) Pathways" Conference & Certification Masterclasses

"Case Management (CM) Days"

OCTOBER 9, 10 & 11, 2024

Register 3, Get 4th FREE!

The Smart Approach - Systems

Forward-thinking organizations understand the importance of creating systems that are both replicable and sustainable, ensuring that training benefits are retained and skills are continually enhanced. Follow these simple steps to achieve this:

  • Build Existing In-house Capacity: Establish systems for ongoing training and staff development to reduce dependence on external trainers.
  • Seamlessly Adapt Existing Practices: Enhance what you are already doing instead of starting from scratch.
  • Develop Continuous Support: Provide ongoing support to maximize the return on your training investments.

Sounds simple enough, and it actually is! Discover proven success systems and take the next step towards service excellence!

Our Case Management and Care Coordination (CM) Series is such a system designed to help you adapt what you are already doing - NOT start from scratch!

How The System Works

Delivering services to clients requires efficient case management that is achieved by empowering the individual receiving services. Effective empowerment comes from being "assistive" and collaboratively teaching and guiding. Our system prioritizes three essential success keys to achieve that end.

  1. Effective Engagement of Individual clients being served: Ensure that frontline professionals are equipped with proven skills for enhanced and effective client "contact moments". Examine evidence-based approaches and use of Motivational Interviewing (MI) skills to achieve durable client outcomes.

  2. Skilled Coordination of the Resources: Learn collaborative strategies for connecting clients to services they need, identifying, engaging, and coordinating resources to help them succeed. Explore the use of "warm hand-offs" to ensure clients' utilize the resources.

  3. Family Engagement in Community: Learn proven methods for engaging and leveraging the support that families the client values can provide through Family Group Decision-Making, Teaming, and Conferencing.

How "CM Skills Days" Is Organized

It is 3-Days focused on how to institute a sustainable in-house collaborative case management system. Think of it as an evidence-based "3-legged stool" approach emphasizing collaboration, and can be replicated.

  • Step-1: Approaches for engaging the Individual one on one.
  • Step-2: Learn to identify, engage, and coordinate available Resources.
  • Step-3: Leveraging proven methods for effective Family engagement.

Learning Objectives & Intended Outcomes

  1. Effective Client Engagement:
    o Equip frontline professionals with proven skills for impactful client interactions.
    o Explore Motivational Interviewing (MI) techniques to achieve lasting client outcomes.
  2. Enhanced Skill Acquisition and Retention:
    o Participants will acquire practical skills in case management and care coordination.
    o Retention of these skills will be emphasized through evidence-based approaches, breakout sessions and emphasis on continuous learning.
  3. Sustainable System Implementation:
    o Understand how to implement a replicable and sustainable case management system.
    o Reduce reliance on external trainers and programs by adopting the system and adapt current practices.
  4. Resource Coordination Mastery:
    o Learn collaborative strategies to identify, engage, and coordinate essential resources.
    o Understand the value of “warm hand-offs” to ensure optimal resource utilization.
  5. Family Involvement Strategies:
    o Discover methods for engaging and leveraging family support.
    o Explore Family Group Decision-Making, Teaming, and Conferencing.
  6. Evidence-Based Approach:
    o The 3-day program emphasizes the evidence-based “3-legged stool” approach of reinforced learning and practice.
    o Collaboration is at the core, ensuring sustainable in-house case management practices.

By participating in this series, attendees will gain practical skills, enhance their understanding of case management, and contribute to sustainable organizational success. 🌟

Why Attend?

Human, social, or justice services professionals come here to learn ways they can adapt what they are currently doing - rather than start from scratch.

Say goodbye to disjointed training initiatives that are truly a waste of time and investment. Shift to coherent and efficient approaches that all stakeholders (staff, clients and their families, and relevant community providers) can be part of.

  • Attend for 1, 2, or all 3 days of live online sessions.
  • Benefit from expert coaching that provides clarity and guidance.
  • Cap off your experience with optional certification.

Success is a team sport! Team attendance highly encouraged. Learn together, collaborate, and grow as a  coherrent unit.

Choose Individual Days Here, Or Bundled Days

* Optional - Get credentialed as a Certified Evidence Based Practitioner (CEBP)

Register 4 for the price of 3!!

Register Individual Day, Or Bundle Days

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Woman reaching out for help, on a stone with water in the back


Short-term solutions compound issues, increase caseloads, run up expenses, and ultimately harms everyone in the process - much like applying a band-aid over a gaping bullet wound!

But, it doesn't have to be this way. There's a better solution which remind us to first remove the bullet and then stop the bleeding through the use of approaches that are skillfully implemented.

Evidence-Based "PATHWAYS" Changed This Organization's Future

After one of our community action partnerships attended  EB "PATHWAYS", the executive teams' eyes were opened to the future of her organization.

The CEO, “dragged” out of retirement to lead the company, saw how like many well meaning agencies, her staff seemed to get bogged down, and not getting to the source of the problems.

Attending the evidence-based "PATHWAYS" program helped her redirect her staff's passionate motivations with effective practices. 

"Our job is NOT to take over people’s lives in the name of "helping" them. It is to partner with clients in an assistive way. Its actually less work per client, and more time to do even more!"

With this newfound triggered revelation, there's now less staff stress and more sustained client success. Practitioners now have a blueprint for their role and teaching methods.

Leadership at the organization now spends time instituting approaches taught by the evidence-based conference.

But the transformational experience of the team is not exclusive to them. You too can share in the benefit. 


Learn efficient approaches to evidence-based success from our best of the best instructor lineup.

Trainer: June Fisher, MSW, LSW
Principal, Dynamic Training Solutions
Trainer: Sobem Nwoko
President, Joyfields Institute & Founder, EBP Society
Trainer: Trevor Manthey

Level Up

Professional Certification

Make your training hours really count by applying them toward certification at the event. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, earning your Evidence-Based Professional certification can be an effective way to differentiate yourself in the market place - as an individual, organization or program.

Please sign-up for certification during your online registration checkout to received the discounted rate.

This discount applies to prospective conference attendees only please.

View Professional Certification Options >>

Certificates & CE Training Hours Credits

EBP Society provides CE Training Hours credit for participants in our training. Our instructors also have various credentials. CE training hours credits are relevant to various professional fields including Social Workers & Counselors, Case Managers & Care Coordination Staff, Certified Evidence-Based Professionals, Licensed Alcohol & Drug Counselors, Substance Abuse Counselors, Professional Counselors among others.

Click here to view details online >>