Evidence Based Webinar Series: Season 1
Joyfields Institute is excited to present season one of our upcoming evidence-based webinar and webcast series. Each episode takes place from 1PM-3PM EST (10AM-12PM PST) on the dates listed below throughout November.
Your investment towards each episode is $125 for individuals or $375 for the whole team.
Here is our full schedule of webinars and webcasts:
Episode 1 - Nov. 3rd - Managing Employee Performance
This webinar training is designed for new supervisors and managers or those who have little or no formal employee management training. It is relevant for those who wish to acquire fundamental skills for achieving desired results with and through others. Participants will be in a position to gain an understanding of key management concepts and fundamentals they can put to work immediately to enhance theirs and their team's performance.
Episode 2 - Nov. 6th - Cognitive Behavioral Approaches
Predominantly a knowledge transfer, this webcast aims to familiarize participants with the concepts and key elements of this evidence-based practice to enhance staff efficacy in helping their clients successfully achieve desired outcomes, prevent recidivism and minimize the propensity for relapse.
Episode 3 - Nov. 10 - Case Management
During this webcast participants will be in a position to learn to differentiate traditional ineffective deficit-centered practices from evidence-based and strength-centered approaches that the field has moved to. They will learn to help their clients achieve desirable outcomes by promoting interventions which link individuals seamlessly to appropriate resources.
Episode 4 - Nov. 13 - Substance Abuse Treatment & Management
This webcast provides instruction to staff who work with substance abusing clients. It examines the pharmacology of typical substances and the evidence-based methods practitioners must apply to achieve desired outcomes. The program also examines co-occurring disorders and how they serve to further complicate work with clients.
Episode 5 - Nov. 17 - Employee Performance Appraisals
Success and sustainability of any agency is driven by how the management team navigates the employee performance review process. What goes on before, during and after this important event yields benefits which go straight to the bottom line. Yet the process is one many well-meaning managers and supervisors avoid, or at best do not look forward to. Ultimately the appraisal "thrown together" is one the manager themselves would not want to receive. This webinar will help participants learn methods to perform this important function as a seamless part of their day to day activities and drive agency performance to levels never before thought possible.
Episode 6 - Nov. 20 - Motivational Interviewing
Although best taught and assimilated through experiential exercises, this webcast aims to teach foundational concepts involved in the method of MI. The program will help staff learn how to influence clients into considering making durable behavioral changes through intrinsic motivation. In addition they will be in a position to recognize that clients address change issues at different levels of readiness which they as practitioners must learn to appreciate and handle with confidence in a way that is both assistive and collaborative.
Episode 7 - Nov. 23 - Managing Employee Performance (NOTE DATE CHANGE)
This training is designed for new supervisors and managers or those who have little or no formal employee management training. It is relevant for those who wish to acquire fundamental skills for achieving desired results with and through others. Participants will be in a position to gain an understanding of key management concepts and fundamentals they can put to work immediately to enhance theirs and their team's performance.
Episode 8 - Nov. 24 - Trauma Informed Care
This training is intended to help the practitioner develop skills for assessing the impact of trauma on functioning and ability to benefit from treatment. Implementing a trauma-informed care program expresses a human service program's intention to assess and potentially modify its organization, management, and service delivery system to include a basic understanding of how trauma affects the life of an individual seeking services.
Joyfields Institute is excited to present season one of our upcoming evidence-based webinar and webcast series. Each episode takes place from 1PM-3PM EST (10AM-12PM PST) on the dates listed below throughout November.
Your investment towards each episode is $125 for individuals or $375 for the whole team.
Here is our full schedule of webinars and webcasts:
Episode 1 - Nov. 3rd - Managing Employee Performance
This webinar training is designed for new supervisors and managers or those who have little or no formal employee management training. It is relevant for those who wish to acquire fundamental skills for achieving desired results with and through others. Participants will be in a position to gain an understanding of key management concepts and fundamentals they can put to work immediately to enhance theirs and their team's performance.
Episode 2 - Nov. 6th - Cognitive Behavioral Approaches
Predominantly a knowledge transfer, this webcast aims to familiarize participants with the concepts and key elements of this evidence-based practice to enhance staff efficacy in helping their clients successfully achieve desired outcomes, prevent recidivism and minimize the propensity for relapse.
Episode 3 - Nov. 10 - Case Management
During this webcast participants will be in a position to learn to differentiate traditional ineffective deficit-centered practices from evidence-based and strength-centered approaches that the field has moved to. They will learn to help their clients achieve desirable outcomes by promoting interventions which link individuals seamlessly to appropriate resources.
Episode 4 - Nov. 13 - Substance Abuse Treatment & Management
This webcast provides instruction to staff who work with substance abusing clients. It examines the pharmacology of typical substances and the evidence-based methods practitioners must apply to achieve desired outcomes. The program also examines co-occurring disorders and how they serve to further complicate work with clients.
Episode 5 - Nov. 17 - Employee Performance Appraisals
Success and sustainability of any agency is driven by how the management team navigates the employee performance review process. What goes on before, during and after this important event yields benefits which go straight to the bottom line. Yet the process is one many well-meaning managers and supervisors avoid, or at best do not look forward to. Ultimately the appraisal "thrown together" is one the manager themselves would not want to receive. This webinar will help participants learn methods to perform this important function as a seamless part of their day to day activities and drive agency performance to levels never before thought possible.
Episode 6 - Nov. 20 - Motivational Interviewing
Although best taught and assimilated through experiential exercises, this webcast aims to teach foundational concepts involved in the method of MI. The program will help staff learn how to influence clients into considering making durable behavioral changes through intrinsic motivation. In addition they will be in a position to recognize that clients address change issues at different levels of readiness which they as practitioners must learn to appreciate and handle with confidence in a way that is both assistive and collaborative.
Episode 7 - Nov. 23 - Managing Employee Performance (NOTE DATE CHANGE)
This training is designed for new supervisors and managers or those who have little or no formal employee management training. It is relevant for those who wish to acquire fundamental skills for achieving desired results with and through others. Participants will be in a position to gain an understanding of key management concepts and fundamentals they can put to work immediately to enhance theirs and their team's performance.
Episode 8 - Nov. 24 - Trauma Informed Care
This training is intended to help the practitioner develop skills for assessing the impact of trauma on functioning and ability to benefit from treatment. Implementing a trauma-informed care program expresses a human service program's intention to assess and potentially modify its organization, management, and service delivery system to include a basic understanding of how trauma affects the life of an individual seeking services.
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