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EB Pathways Conference, Masterclass, & Company Name Updates

We've spent the past year improving your experience with the EBP Society and Joyfields Institute, and we want to update you about the conference tweaks, company names, and website improvements.

EB Pathways Conference Updates

Our Semi-Annual conference for both practitioners and organizations (plus leadership) is now called EB Pathways and will be represented by the following logo with each ring representing the layers of people required for bringing to life the power of evidence-based practices. 

evidence based conference

The conference will include a general session and a few additional courses for all attending as well as two Masterclass pathways each tailored to and based on your company role.

Those attending the conference as a practitioner will take the Masterclass for Practitioners as their path through the conference. It's represented by the following logo. 

evidence based conference

Learn more about the Masterclass for Practitioners and register early (for a limited-time discount) by clicking here.

Organizations and leadership will follow the conference path of the Masterclass for Organizations. This organization pathway is represented by the following logo.

evidence based conference

Learn more about the Masterclass for Organizations and register early (for a limited-time discount) by clicking here.

Company Names & Website Updates

You may have also noticed how we've updated the EBPSociety and the Joyfields Institute website and launched a new domain, EBPHUB. You can now easily navigate across them using each website's top toolbar.

Here's a quick break down on each entity.

The Joyfields Institute (EB Solutions)

joyfields evidence based solutions 

Joyfields is oriented around providing specific solutions for evidence-based organizations. Through this entity, we offer assessments, on-site training, and weekly webinars.

EBP Society (EB Community)

evidence based society

EBPSociety is focused on the evidence-based community and live events. This includes EB Pathways, with its two nested Masterclasses for Practitioners and Organizations. The Society also has an active blog and works with practitioners, and leaders to get certified for their evidence-based expertise. The Society also houses an online BETA membership portal for ongoing evidence-based learning (updates to come in 2020).

EBP Hub (EB Portal)

evidence based portal

The EBP Hub is our online portal, store, exclusive resource hub, and home for the membership resources. It's also where purchase and registration transactions happen.

Continuing To Improve The Experience With A Strong Focus

We're dedicated to providing a better online experience, and building out reliable resources for your evidence-based journey. If you have questions, comments, or concerns about these changes, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Photo: "Change" by Ross Findon - Unsplash

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