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The EBP Society Blog

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[module-240] [module-241] Editor: David L. Myers, PhD, University of New Haven Publisher: Joyfields Institute ...
Here are 3 solicitations from the DOJ that may interest you Justice Accountability Initiative (JAI): Pilot Project...
This is a FREE Training Web Class. There Are No Costs, But Seats Are Very Limited. PICK YOUR DATE FROM BELOW OPTION...
Application Due Date: June 29, 2018 SAMHSA is accepting applications for the Infant and Early Childhood Mental Healt...
David L. Myers, PhD, University of New Haven Daniel R. Lee, PhD, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Dennis M. Gie...
[module-233] Introduction This issue of EBP Quarterly presents a second-year implementation and evaluation repo...
Welcome to this month's collection of relevant articles, resources, grants and upcoming events Upcoming ...
George M. Froggé, Austin Peay State University  Abstract In some cities, there is a strain on the relationships be...
Kristi L. Greenberg University of New Haven Sex offenders and their rates of recidivism are often at the center of m...
Jacob Hasson University of New Haven The United States’ criminal justice system is in the process of rebounding from...